Backyard Drills – Layups

Layups win games of basketball

Layups win games of basketballThe Coach Girls team have added 11 Layup Drills to help players improve their footwork, scoring and balance when performing a layup. We have put together these basketball drills which can be done in your backyard or driveway at home, your local basketball court or at your local park.

These drills can be done with friends or on your own.

There are written and video instructions to help guide you. We have added some coaching messages which will challenge you and help you be awesome at layups.

Here are the Layup Drills

Have fun doing these drills and be awesome! From the Coach Girls Team

1 – 2 Euro Step

1 -2 Euro Step

Grab Cone & Go

Slide & Go

Double Jab, Rip & Go

Basketball Drill Double Jab Rip and Go Coach Girls

Crossover Behind the Back & Go

Crossover Behind the Legs and Go

Inside, Jab Fake & Go

Inside Jab Fake and Go

Hesitation & Go

hBasketball Drill - Hesitation and Go - Coach Girls

Crossover Through Legs & Go

Basketball Backyard Drills - Crossover Through Legs and Go

Fake & Go

Fake & Go
  BACKYARD DRILL   Fake & Go   Skill–Layup & Shooting   Notes:  Confuse your defender which will  give you greater space to the basket

Rip & Go

Rip & Go
BACKYARD DRILL   Rip & Go   Skill–Layup & Shooting   Notes:  Confuse your defender which will  give you greater space to the basket

Fake, Rip & Go

Fake, Rip & Go
BACKYARD DRILL   Fake, Rip & Go   Skill–Layup & Shooting   Notes:  Confuse your defender which will  give you greater space to the basket  

Jab & Go

Jab & Go
BACKYARD DRILL   Jab & Go   Skill–Layup & Shooting   Notes:  Confuse your defender and help create more space when driving to the basket