Backyard Basketball Drills

Basketball DrillsSo you want to be awesome!
You want to be an awesome basketballer and have FUN developing your basketball skills from home.

Here are some fun drills to help you be awesome. You can do these drills in your backyard, at a local park or at your local basketball court. The best thing is these basketball drills can be done with friends or on your own.

Have fun and share these with your friends.

Train HARD, have FUN and be AWESOME!

Basketball Drills

Improve your ball control, scoring, layups, offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds, vertical leap, strength and power.

Click on a Basketball Drill below

Shooting Drills Layup Drills Ball Handling Drills

Rebounding Drills Body Conditioning Skills

Don’t forget to exercise!

There are plenty of exercises you can do at home without equipment that will help you to maintain and improve your fitness and help you build strength.

You can go for a run, do squats, bridging to help improve your body core, sit ups, push ups and crunches etc.

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